Astral Odyssey- Journey into the World of Mobile Game Ark(Revolutionary Exploration- Unveiling the Enigma of Mobile Game Ark)

Astral Odyssey- Journey into the World of Mobile Game Ark(Revolutionary Explorat

Astral Odyssey- Journey into the World of Mobile Game Ark(Revolutionary Exploration- Unveiling the Enigma of Mobile Game Ark)

Astral Odyssey: Journey into the World of Mobile Game Ark(Revolutionary Exploration: Unveiling the Enigma of Mobile Game Ark) Xbox360《暗影世界》(TheEpicGames)是世嘉公司推出的一款以未来为主题,融合了RPG与SLG元素的作品。本作品由玩家扮演一个名为Asymmethea的新角色加入故事中,游戏讲述了一个身负重伤、经历过许多困难的故事,在这款新作中,游戏将带领人类走向新的时代!



